Owning a house is a dream for many and Samriddhi Finance is always there to help you to realize your dream through Samriddhi Home Loan scheme. Samriddhi Home Loan- SFCL Home Loans are affordable and flexible designed to take you closer to your dream home.
Special Features
- Counselling & Training services
- Loan approval within 2 days (Condition applied)
Target Customer
Individuals of middle and upper middle class income group with regular, adequate, steady and stable source of income
Basic Eligibility Criteria
- Any Nepalese Individuals of at least 25 Years of age having stable, steady and reliable source of income from job, rent, pension, remittance supported by the document
- Age of the applicant and the loan tenure collectively should not exceed sixty five years
- Must be able to provide unencumbered fixed assets collateral as primary security. The proposed site should have accessible road of at least 8 feet width